Powerful 3D Printing slice and support generation software
3D Print job preparation can be a time consuming task. Orienting, supporting and slicing your build jobs in a way that they actually print can be challenging.
AUTOMATIC GENERATIONThe fastest way to support generation for your prints. Automatic. | 100% DRAGGABLE SUPPORTSJust drag supports and the geometry adapts automatically. | POINT/LINE MODEEdit supports more easily in point/line mode. | ADVANCED EDGE & SURFACE EDITSEdit/resample/delete critical detected surfaces or edges. |
MESH HOLLOWINGHollow your mesh to save printing material and create a light weight structure. . | LATTICE INFILLSAdd perfect lattice infills to get a strong part. | DRAINAGE HOLESAdd holes to your hollow parts to lets material flow out easily during printing | MIRRORING & SCALINGEasily mirror/scale your supported part including supports. Saving you time. |
OBJECT MANIPULATOREasily move/rotate/scale your objects with the click and drag manipulator. | COPYINGArray copy objects to build an entire table with a few clicks. | IMPORT & EXPORTImport and export .stl, .slc, .obj, .ply, .amf and project files to save all your work. | SHORTCUTS & MOREFormware 3D includes an extensive list of keyboard shortcuts to save you time. |
FAULT TOLERANT SLICINGSlice your models quickly and fault tolerant with GPU slicing. | LIGHT MASKSApply light masks to ensure uniform light intensity at your platform. | CUSTOMIZABLE EXPORTExport slices, gcode, preview, print profiles etc. Many options to choose from. | EXTREME SLICE SIZESSlicing engine tested up to 8000 x 8000 pixels. |
2D NESTINGIrregular shape nesting in 2D to maximize build table usage. | AUTO ORIENTATIONAuto orient objects minimizing downward faces. | ADD FLOOR STRUCTURESPrint multi floor to maximize your print output. | MESH ERROR CHECKINGAutomatic error detection and advanced diagnosis. |
Supported printers
Designed for resin and inkjet 3d printers.
Used with the following machines:
- Generic LCD/DLP machines
- Kudo 3d (slice export)
- Wanhao D7/D7 Plus (.cws export + printcontroller)
- Wanhao D8
- Anycubic photon (.photon)
- Anycubic photonS (.photons/.pws)
- Phrozen Shuffle & Shuffle XL
- Elegoo Mars (.cbddlp export)
- Epax X1/X10 (.cbddlp export)
- NanoDLP machines (connect with IP address, upload: .stl, .slc or .png)
- Peopoly Moai/SLA (slice as .gcode)
View all supported machines here: machine database